My Role:
Creative Direction
Small Batch Ice Cream
Merch Design
Skulls and ice cream? Yes!
When my friends at Louisville Cream asked me to design a shirt to promote their charcoal-infused French vanilla ice cream, I jumped at the chance. It was a fun opportunity to add a dark twist to their brand’s identity. The only downside? I definitely ate way too much ice cream along the way!
The charcoal-infused french vanilla ice cream. Photo credit: Louisville Cream
Some initial pencil sketches.

Refining the pencil sketches digitally on the iPad.
Some more pencil sketches that didn't make the cut.

These digital sketches are how the concepts were presented.
For the final art I moved to a Wacom Cintiq.
This process continues to evolve over the years. I'd probably create the final vector art like this in Adobe Fresco now.
The final design for the front of the shirt.
The final design for the back of the shirt.
The final product!
Watch how these shirts were printed. Video Credit: Danger Press. I've collaborated with Danger Press on several design projects and they always do fantastic work! They also did a nice write-up of this project on their blog. Check it out!
If you think there’s an opportunity for me to help you or your team, please get in touch!